Wednesday 19 February 2014

Kiwi Surprise

How to keep a 6 month old occupied long enough to keep the kitchen? Give him some fruit in his high chair. Ensure that fruit is slippery and that he can't get a grip on it; something like a kiwi, for instance. Watch (or better yet, do housework during this gloriously distracting moment) as baby boy struggles with valor to grasp that delicious fruit with his chubby little didgits; only to fail time and time again, smooshing it around his tray. Of course, that fruit is so delectable that he doesn't cry for help, but focuses all energy on getting into his adorable little mouth.
I didn't set out to torture my child.
It was just a happy accident that distracted him long enough for me to do the dishes. And it was fantastic.

{photos coming soon}

Sunday 16 February 2014

The First

This is the first of what I hope will be many blog posts.

I have started this new blog in hopes that I will be able to keep it organized within four main arcs; home and family, web and graphic design, my artwork (photography & drawing) and, lastly, my DIY projects.
They might seem like disjointed subjects, but they are all close to my heart. They are what make up my life and my hopes and dreams and aspirations. I would like to say that I have many inspirational and deep things to say on all of these subjects, or at least something incredibly intelligent or witty, but alas I fear I cannot promise such things. I will do my best, though, I assure you.